Ready-Mix Concrete Batching Plant

Our batching plant with a dependable capacity supplies all our construction sites within the Kigali area. Our fleet of ready mix trucks will deliver the concrete reliably to any location it is needed on time, every time.

Concrete Batching Plants are used for manufacturing of high-quality concrete in a variety of construction applications, like buildings, roads, bridges, airports and many others.

Project Management:

Ready Mixed Concrete Batching Plants are employed in the vast production of high-quality concrete products for a variety of construction materials and uses.


Personalized or custom designed concrete plant solutions can also be designed on demand. Mobile, Stationary and Compact are some of the concrete equipment and models

The Benefits

We have a long and proud history givin emphasis to environment social and economic outcomes rapid urbanisation, climate and change, inequality and resource stress.


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Project on time

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Modern Tech

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Latest Design

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